Fight For Ben

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To Our Thunder Crew…

Feel The Thunder followers, our beloved Ben passed away yesterday afternoon after his long, courageous battle with NUT Carcinoma. He was the epitome of positivity throughout this whole journey and thoroughly lived life to the fullest! Ben fought his disease for just short of 26 months. After receiving the initial news, he was expecting to live just 3-6 months. He lived every minute of his life with intention and love. It is because of all of the support from his family, friends, blog followers, prayers, his doctor (Dr. Jared Weiss of UNC), that he credits living as long as he did. To say I’m proud of him and proud to be his wife would be the understatement of a lifetime! Although not having him in our lives leaves the biggest void I could ever dream of as his wife, I will always be thankful that God gave us 20 years together. He was amazing and so easy to love. My kids have the most amazing father and there is zero doubt that they will become just like him one day. Thank you for all of your support. It meant more to Ben than you could ever imagine. Keep Feeling The Thunder every day! And as his favorite band 311 would say, “Stay Positive and Love Your Life”!

Love, Ann