Sticker Time

Cancer Update 12/4: STICKER TIME

As we head into the holiday season, we could all use a little extra joy and cheer in our lives. What better way to bring you that joy than STICKERS!

Through some generous donations I was able to have a couple new sticker designs drawn up and produced; AND will be mailing them out to anyone who wants to have the coolest stickers around for FREE.

Three designs will be headed your way: a smaller version of the original Fight for Ben sticker, a Feel The Thunder circular sticker, and a Mandalorian themed “This Is The Way” rectangular sticker.

All of the stickers are about 2” in size so you can stick them on anything! Bike, helmet, car, notebook, light post, stop sign, water bottle, forehead of your dog...anywhere a sticker will go! I’ll send you a couple of each so you can slap them all over town and can spread the word of Fight for Ben.

My goal is not to just give you a totally awesome sticker to show your support; but to give you a tool to start a conversation. Someone at some point is going to ask “What is Fight for Ben?” and you are going to tell them about me and my fight against a rare form of cancer. But the important piece of the narrative is to add why YOU are fighting for me. We all have our reasons, and each story will be different. Cancer sucks, we all know that. But there has to be a “why” to your fight...What is your THUNDER? Think about it, and tell that story to the person who asks.

So, privately Facebook Message or text me your address and I will get stickers to you ASAP. Stick them somewhere (the cooler the spot the better!) then post a pic online - Facebook/Instagram - for the world to see.

I have tons of stickers to go around. So feel free to share or ask for more!

As always, I appreciate the support from the bottom of my heart. You all make this journey a little bit easier.

Keep fighting. Keep creating that thunder!


Pace Picante!
