Radiation Update

The last time we chatted things were kind of spiraling out of control.  We all just learned that I had metastasis to my spinal column and brain, and I was getting ready to start a grueling 25-day radiation treatment to my spine and brain. So, here we are: 17 treatment days into the plan with the finish line visible on the horizon – eight more days of treatment doesn’t seem like a lot, but the daily grind of driving to UNC, getting radiated, and feeling the after effects makes eight days feel like eons.

I have been getting a lot of inquiries on my health and how things are going, so what better time than now to give you a quick update on my progress.

On Tuesday September 28th I started the radiation treatment on my S1 tumor; I did five days of high intensity radiation to try and shrink the tumor in an effort to give me relief for all of the “ass pain” I had been experiencing the previous weeks. On Tuesday 10/5 I switched over to a lower dose radiation that covered my entire spinal column and both lobes of the brain with the goal being to kill all of the other cancer cells floating around in my CSF.  I will continue this dose until the radiation treatment ends on 11/1. 

I am happy to report the “ass pain” has been greatly reduced! That means we are getting results from the radiation, and we are going to keep our fingers crossed the rest of the radiation plan works as prescribed and we burn these tumors right out of my central nervous system.

I have had an amazing support group of people driving me to UNC and bringing my family food the past several weeks.  My sister, Anna, did an amazing job of getting my drivers lined up; I’d like to give a huge “thank you” to Ann, Chris Fulk, Will Elam, Justin Lenarcic, Katie Downard, Christa Boren, Kelly White, Bill Sessoms, Hanes/Lida Boren, and John Stanley for making the drive to UNC.  I’d like to thank Nancy Wells and Susie White for helping with Micah and Lucas in the afternoons; and there are so many people that have brought us food I can’t keep track of it; so, apologies to you all for not being able to name you, but thank you! There are more people lined up to help the next two weeks on all fronts, so a thank you in advance for all of the help you will provide my family.

One of the biggest surprises I have had during this radiation journey is my cycling friend Miki Razo has organized a motivational video each day of radiation from a professional cyclist, someone in the cycling community, friend, or family member. There are some pretty impressive people on this list, and hearing from these people really helps me push through each day.  Here is who I have heard from so far: Kate Courtney (World Champion MTBer), Reggie Miller (former NBA super star and avid mountain biker), Jeff Lenosky, Ryan Standish, Jeremiah Bishop, Payson Mcelveen (extra NUTs on that carrot cake Payson!), Neko Mulally and Milo the humping cat, Rich Dillon, Lea Davison (Olympic badass), Phil Gaimon (former pro and cookie monster), Dylan Johnson and Backwards Hat Dylan, George Hincapie (where’s Lance?), Pat Rimron (local badass!), Stephen Willis (Honeybun connoisseur), Carey Lowery, Gordon Wadsworth (biggest quads in the world!), and Christopher Blevins (current short track world champion and USA cycling badass!).  Needless to say, Miki is working every angle she can get to have some of these people take time out of their life to send me a little clip of motivation to help me get through the day.  It has been awesome to hear some of their perspectives on what helps them fight through their dark times, and what people like myself mean to them as an inspiration to keep gritting it out when the going gets tough.

On the whole I think things are progressing nicely with radiation. We will not know the results until the first couple weeks of November.  I’m hanging in there and the support crew of the Thunderous Herd is really helping me get through this extremely hard month.  I’m exhausted and my throat is starting to get burned from the radiation.  Shifting to more naps, softer foods, more liquids and a different pain regiment will help me get through these last eight days. 

I have had a lot of requests for visits and telephone calls and group hangs.  I just can’t do it right now.  When I’m not getting treatment I’m spending time with the family, and when I’m not with the family I’m working on my recovery by hanging on the couch with Mello, Piper and Jasper, or in bed watching poorly dubbed over Netflix series (Squid Game in the house!).  There will be a time and place where we can all get together soon, but for now recovery is key. 

These next eight days I ask you to bring The Thunder! I’m going to do my part and grind it out and let the sharks with lasers (any Austin Powers fans???) do their thing and clean up my central nervous system.  Thank you to all of you that follow along on my journey and send me words of encouragement; I truly appreciate every little thing you do.  I hope my next update brings us all good news about the result of the radiation and we can all celebrate kicking some cancer ass.  Until then, love to you all and Feel The Thunder!


A much delayed update…


Writer’s Block